about — TO&FROM

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19 South Audley Street
London, England, W1K 2NY
United Kingdom


Bringing together designers, craftsmen & cultures.

We present a family of beautifully crafted everyday objects that emerged out of collaborations between artisans and designers from diverse cultural backgrounds. We have come together to create functional objects of use; simple, elegant and timeless.


TO&FROM founders: Bob de Graaf & Somya Singh

TO&FROM founders: Bob de Graaf & Somya Singh


TO&FROM is a London based design studio. Founded in 2016 by Somya Singh; interior designer a graduate of Glasgow school of Art and Bob de Graaf; product and exhibition designer, a graduate from The Design Academy Eindhoven. Both travelled to the UK in early 2000s to explore work in design, carrying with them their unique blend of Indian and Dutch heritage and experience. They have designed, produced and showcased their unique furniture, home products, interiors and exhibitions for global names like Ilse Crawford, Anouska Hempel, Thomas Goode, V&A and Tate Modern.

In addition to their design services, TO&FROM has produced a homeware range which feature pieces that diffuse the lines between sculpture and practicality, each item with individual personality. Celebrating form and beauty, their pieces are modern heirlooms and designed to be treasured and passed on from generation to generation. The key collections to date include a selection of beautiful marble platters and pedestals, hand bashed copper jug and cups and a range of screen printed textiles. Each collection tells a story of their journey and their close collaboration with artists and manufacturers across India and Europe, alongside the exploration of beautiful materials and design.

TO&FROM create beautiful objects of everyday practicality with human connection and collaboration at the core of their design practice. They have manufactured alongside marble experts in Rajasthan and designed printed textiles with The Printed Peanut in Yorkshire. The core value to each collection is a warmth, a sculptural beauty and celebration of form and function, creating objects with the intention to be treasured and shared.