Solid Brass Banana — TO&FROM

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19 South Audley Street
London, England, W1K 2NY
United Kingdom


Bringing together designers, craftsmen & cultures.

We present a family of beautifully crafted everyday objects that emerged out of collaborations between artisans and designers from diverse cultural backgrounds. We have come together to create functional objects of use; simple, elegant and timeless.

toandfrom design shop

The to&from collection takes inspiration from Indian homeware, including the thali, a round serving platter, and the chakla, a flat kitchen board made of wood or marble.

Nine different stones from the Northern part of India were used, including green, white, Makrana and black marble, slate, gray and rainbow sandstone, Jaiselmer stone and black limestone. As a result no two pieces are the same, as each carries its own individual veining and colour formations.

The pieces, whose rounded edges appeal to the sense of touch, were designed to be versatile, beautiful and functional. They can be used as tableware, sharing platters or presentation dishes; in a bathroom or spa; or for decorating a mantle or coffee table. The solid forms and weight add gravitas and substance.

to&from worked with skilled artisans from the outskirts of Jaipur, Rajasthan and each piece is handmade.

Somya Singh, to&from co-founder, comments: ‘previous to the production, we spent a long time designing the range in London. However, on visiting the workshop, we were amazed at the expertise and flair of the craftsmen. They worked with our designs and added their style to make each piece truly distinctive.”

Solid Brass Banana

Solid Brass Banana

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